Saying Goodbye
1 x 60’ BBC One 2017, Children in Need
Assistant Producer
Saying Goodbye presents powerful testimonies from children who have experienced the death of a parent, and some who are preparing for this possibility.
Every day in the UK over a hundred children face the death of their mum or dad.
Behind this statistic are many untold and heart rending stories. Saying Goodbye, a special film for BBC Children in Need from award winning director Nick Read & production company True Vision, features a group of 7-17 year olds who have been bereaved, and a few who are facing the death of a parent. In their own words, these brave children share their heart wrenching experiences and memories, with the aim of helping other young people who are facing a similar circumstance..
Many of the contributors in the film have received counselling; some of the children and young people have been helped by projects around the UK supported by BBC Children in Need.
“You will cry buckets from the outset during this heartbreaking film for Children in Need...A candid film from an incredibly articulate and mature group of young people”
“Their understanding and resilience is remarkable. Pick of the Day.”
“Hear their stories of loss, grief - and love. Four stars.”